Levels of Support:
Consider sponsoring and becoming an active part of these young women’s inspiring journeys.
LEADER: $20,000+ (Table of 10; Recognition as Presenting Sponsor of Live Event)
PATRON: $10,000
SPONSOR: $5,000
CHAMPION: $1,000
FRIEND: $130
To Purchase a Table and Sponsor the Event:
Contact Blair Williamson, Board Member, or Heather Marcel, Administrator, at (434) 825-8743 or email us.
Complete and return the reservation form you received with your invitation. Make your check payable to Charlottesville Area Community Foundation – Emily Couric Leadership Forum or “CACF-ECLF” and mail to:
Emily Couric Leadership Forum
PO Box 8322
Charlottesville, VA 22906
Reservations will be honored as received. No reservations without payment. Names and reservations will be honored at the door. No tickets will be issued.