Welcome to the Emily Couric Leadership Forum

The Emily Couric Leadership Forum was established to honor Virginia State Senator Emily Couric’s legacy. We work to recognize current female leaders and empower the next generation of women leaders who bring positive change to the world.
Each Spring, the Forum holds an
annual awards luncheon to:
Award the Emily Couric Leadership Scholarship to one of 11 young women nominated by each of the 11 public and private high schools in Charlottesville and Albemarle County. These young women are nominated due to their leadership abilities and positive impacts on their schools and communities. The Leadership Scholarship winner is chosen by a selection committee comprised of community leaders.
Award the Joshua J Scott Merit Scholarship.
Award each of the additional nine nominees with scholarships.
Recognize a woman of international or national distinction who exemplifies leadership in her profession and in her community with the Emily Couric Women’s Leadership Award. The recipient offers the keynote address at the annual Emily Couric Leadership Luncheon.
Our Board of Directors
Kiran Kalsi Chapman
Charlotte Dammann
Llezelle A. Dugger
Pam Mandell Freedman
Valerie Gregory
Kate Hamilton
Beth Kennan, Chair
Elva Mason
Sarah McConnell
Terri Meenan
Judy Rasmussen
Colette Sheehy
Katie Reid Shevlin
Kathy Walsh
Blair Williamson
Ashley Woodard
EMERITAE: Carolyn Achenbach, Roberta Brownfield, Carol Clarke, Punkie Feil, Diane Long, Bruce Murray, Nina Ozbey, Susan Payne and Mary Sherman
If you have any questions about the Emily Couric Leadership Forum, please feel free to call Beth Kennan (Chair) at (804) 525-0568, Heather Marcel (Administrator) at (434) 825-8743, or email us. We thank you for your assistance in recognizing promising female leaders in our community.
To add your name to our invitation list, please email us.